Monday, May 6, 2013


In the efforts to reshape Penang into the first “green” state in Malaysia, Penang State Government Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng launched a Go Green campaign named “No Plastic Bag” in the year of 19 July 2009. Markets and single-owned businesses (hypermarkets, supermarkets, departmental stores, pharmacies, fast food restaurants, nasi kandar chains and convenience stores, including those at petrol stations in the state) will also have to stop giving out free plastic bags on three days in a week which are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Only hawkers and market traders are excluded from the new rule.

Shoppers in Penang will be charged 20 sen for each plastic bag on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the money charged for plastic bags will go to PAP (Partners Against Poverty) Fund to help the poor and need. He hopes that by reducing the excessive use of plastic bags can eventually cut down the expenses on the solid waste management. He strongly encourages people to use their own reusable bags. So that people won’t waste money on buying plastic bags. Besides that people also can save the earth at the same time doing charity. 

This campaign will help to save Malaysia’s environment by creating awareness among the public on the dangers of expansive use of plastic, reduce or minimize the plastic usage starting from shopping complexes by using recyclable shopping bags.

After few years, the result of the usage keep had good responses. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng felt that Penang can improve more and the people already used to no plastic bag day. So he decided to change from every Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to everyday no plastic bag in the year of 01-01-2011. It’s a big challenge to people who live in Penang. But after quite sometimes, people who live in Penang no more complain about it.

Effects of using Plastic bags

Global community must realize the importance of preserving, protecting and promoting a clean and healthy environment not only for the investors, tourists and those who desires for sustainable living, but also for future generation.
The production of plastic bag uses fossil fuel, petroleum, as its raw material. This is highly unsustainable. In addition, 99% of the plastic bags are filling up our limited landfill, the balance 1% ends up in your home's cabinet and much lesser being recycled. These bags also ends up in our rivers, beaches and those clogging up the drains caused unnecessary urban issues.

The plastic bag probably won’t end up in the rubbish bin but in the ocean. These plastic bags are very dangerous for those marine animals for example turtles, fish, whales, porpoises and etc. Because of human’s laziness, they throw plastic bags into sea instead of rubbish bin. The number of dead animals in sea keeps increasing every year. This might cause sea life become extinct.
The most common victim is turtles. Turtles see jelly fish as their food. Many times, they will have mistaken and eat plastic because the shape of the plastic is more alike jelly fish. They will swallow it and get toxic from the plastics.
Not only sea life will have this problem, we human also can get toxic from the fish that has accidentally eaten plastics. And the toxic is in the fish but sadly human eat fish. So we have a very high chance to eat toxic too.


The Effects of Plastic Bags on Land

The time of break down the plastics is very long. It might take probably between 100 to 500 years. This process may realize  carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. The process of break down will destroy the wildlife. The land litter that is made up of plastic bags has the potential to kill over and over again. It has been estimated that one bag has the potential to unintentionally kill one animal per every three months due to unintentional digestion or inhalation.

 Recycling Plastic Bags

Studies have proven that there are very few plants that actually recycle them. Most of the people burn them or send them to landfill after sorting. But the result shows that they won’t melt easily. The cost of recycling is expensive than the plastics.


The Environmental Management and Research Association of Malaysia’s (ENSEARCH) Secretary General, Geetha P. Kumaran says “The plastic bags cannot be replaced with paper bags that are costly. Therefore, the fibre bags are the solution” According to Geetha, still the better solution would be through innovation and green technology.

Online Survey 

This campaign is a successful campaign because 80% people who lives in Penang know about this campaign. The high percentage makes the campaign famous. This campaign is not only famous but also very successful. Nowadays, less and less people use plastic bags in shopping or buying things. According to the survey, 53% people now already seldom use plastic bags. Besides that people who are responsibility, they will bring their own reuse bag to shop. The percentage of always and sometimes bring their own reuse bag is 73.4%. While people who seldom and never bring reuse bag is only 26.7%.  Not only this, people who wish and want to bring their reuse bag in the future have 93.3%. It’s a very high percentage. Furthermore, in this survey, we found out people who need plastic bags in market (fish market, etc) is more than other places (Supermarkets, Convenience stores (i.e. Retail stores), Department stores, Bruneian Functions and Garbage Disposal). But we totally don’t have problem with this. Because Penang State Government Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said hawkers and market traders are excluded from the new rule (No Plastic Day). So this problem is solved. Last but not least, this is why we say this campaign is so successful. The reason is there is 100% means people totally support this campaign. They feel that they have the responsibility to take care our environment.

Survey Forms
Survey 1
Survey 2
Survey 3
Survey 4
Survey 5
Survey 6
Survey 7
Survey 8
Survey 9
Survey 10
Survey 11
Survey 12
Survey 13
Survey 14
Survey 15


Environmental Development in Malaysia. Kudos For Malaysia’s No Plastic Bag Day Campaign. Retrieved from

Mydin. No Plastic Bag Day. Retrieved from

Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital. Go Green Campaign. Retrieved from

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