Survey 1

No Plastic Bags

[   ] 17-19 years old     [  ] 20-24 years old  [   ] 25-29 years old     [   ] 30 and above

[] Male                     [   ] Female

[   ] Single                [   ] Married

[   ] Secondary school             [   ] Skill certificate                 [  ] STPM/Diploma
[   ] Bachelor’s Degree            [   ] Masters/PHD                    [   ] Working
[   ] Others:

1.) Do you know Penang is a plastic-free state?
[   ] Yes
[  ] No

2.) Do you use plastic bags?
 [  ] Yes
[   ] No
3.) How often do you use plastic bags?
[   ] Always                 [   ] Sometimes        [   ] Seldom                 [   ] Never

4.)  In a week, how many plastic bags do you use or obtain?
] 1-5                    [   ] 6-10          [   ] 11-15        [   ] 16 and above

5.) Where do you usually obtain your plastic bags?
[   ] From shopping at shops (i.e. supermarkets, convenience stores and department stores)
[   ] Buying from shop for own use
[   ] Others:

6.) Rank 1- 6 where you think most plastic bags is used? (1 being the most used and 6 being the least)
1__ Supermarkets
2__Markets (i.e. Fish markets)
4__ Convenience stores (i.e. Retail stores)
3__ Department stores
5__ Bruneian Functions
6__ Garbage Disposal
__ Others:

7.) Do you bring your own shopping bags during shopping or buying things?

[   ] Always                 [   ] Sometimes            [   ] Seldom                 [  ] Never

8.)  What do you do with plastic bags? (You may tick more than one)
 Reuse for rubbish bins
 Reuse for shopping
 Reuse for storing and carrying things
 Keep being recycled later
 Throw away

9.) Do you think plastic bags are useful or a nuisance? (You may tick more than 1)

 Help to carry things easily
 Get into our sewer system and rivers
 It is light and affordable
 Animals mistaken it as food
 Help to store things
 Can suffocate children

10.) Do you think we should use biodegradable plastic bags? 
[ ] Yes         [  ] No

11.) Do you think Penang should continue this No Plastic Bags Campaign?
[   ] Yes      [   ] No

Why: Environmental protection

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